
Welcome to Insurance Lovers The Clinic inward improver to The Insurer

The venture, called Cleveland Clinic | Oscar Health ... testament suffer available on Blue Planet exchange, off the telephone exchange or direct through Oscar."

The catch?

They'll exactly suffer available inwards 5 counties inwards northwest Ohio.

Which, maybe non inward improver to hence coincidentally, is besides the dwelling base of operations of operations of Medical Mutual.

Interesting. Particularly because of this:

"The Cleveland Clinic network forthwith exactly is available on the telephone exchange through a broad network offering provided past Medical Mutual of Ohio"


To suffer sure, Oscar's had its receive issues:

"[F]or every dollar of premium Oscar collects inwards New York, the fellowship is losing 15 cents. It lost $92 1 M ane chiliad inwards the enterprise argue in conclusion yr inward improver to but most other $39 1 M ane chiliad inwards the starting 4th dimension three months of 2016"

As their CEO noted at the time, this is not "a sustainable position.”

Anyway, the production itself testament evidently rely pretty heavily on the telehealth model, which seems like 1 area that carriers are starting to truly encompass as an effective cost-containment strategy.

No give-and-take yet on whether or non they'll bring whatever multifariousness of marketing agreement amongst insurance agents (but smart money is on "no").