
Welcome to Insurance Lovers P&C Files Update

Last Fall, we blogged on Kanye West's health issues, specifically every 2nd they applied to the cancellation of much of his concert tour schedule. In that post, we noted that Mr West had acre purchased an insurance policy to covert that eventuality:

"[H]e's since cancelled the residue of his tour, at a damage of at to the lowest score $30 million. That's a lot of scratch fifty-fifty for a successful musician, which is why he (reportedly) has an insurance policy that probably covers this diversity of situation."

As it turns out, he did, inwards fact, construct that purchase. And the even might straight proceed ended there, but for ane pocket-size problem:

"Kanye West has filed a lawsuit claiming insurers failed to pay close $10 ane ane one thousand yard for the singer's canceled Saint Pablo Tour lastly year."

As an aside, I'm curious close the rather substantial discrepancy between the $30 ane ane one thousand yard loss cited inwards the main post, together amongst the $10 ane ane one thousand yard inwards dispute.

Nevertheless, this is an interesting case: it seems to turn on the definition of "accidental bodily injury or illness," which being hospitalized seems to pretty much qualify.

One wonders whether this testament go settled out of court, or taken to trial. We'll hap along yous posted.

[Hat Tip: FoIB Jeff M]